How to make short notes

How to make short notes

How To Make Short Notes

How to make notes
  • You can make your notes in 3 forms!

Long notes:

  • Long notes include full theory and illustrations covered in class.
  • To be made in parallel to attending the class, let’s say you are watching 2 hours of video lecture. you can make the notes after
  • 30-40 minutes of lecture or if you are in a physical class, the teacher will give you the necessary break to make notes after a topic finishes.
  • Try to write things in your format, you necessarily don’t have to copy-paste what’s written on the blackboard. Just keep in mind that whatever you are writing is you explaining that chapter to your future self. so, make sure to write them in a way that you won’t end up in a state of doubt while revising.
  • Sometimes, teachers say valuable things that they don’t write on boards, make sure to include that in your notes too.
  • Long notes are to be used for revision before monthly tests or your JEE Mains/Advanced.

Short notes:

  • Short notes are made after fully completing the chapter, It is a chapter summarized in a maximum of 2 pages ( sometimes maybe more than 2 for a few chapters of chemistry )
  • Don’t include obvious things which you won’t forget, in short notes. Like F = MA or things like distance formula. write only what you think that you might forget.
  • It is recommended to revise daily or at least once every 2 days from short notes. It generally takes 20 minutes to revise a chapter. so, you can do 1 hour of revision of P – C – M equally distributed in 20 – 20 – 20 minutes and keep changing the chapters after every day. It will help you to keep things refreshed throughout your JEE Preparation.

Illustration notes:

  • Illustration notes contain all the unique and important illustrations that you don’t want to forget. these are made in parallel to your problem-solving. Every time you encounter an important question you can write it down in your illustration notes.
  • You don’t have to write the full solution in illustration notes, just mentioning the main deduction through which it was solved is enough. 

For example;

How to make notes (1)
  • If you feel like, Making illustration notes is consuming too much of your time you can do this –
  • If you are following 1 particular book – ‘start mark’ questions in it. these are the questions that you will look into for revision.
  • If you got a question from a discrete resource like a test paper or let’s say a YouTube video and you want to preserve that, write it down in the copy of your notes.

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Best of Luck!!!

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